On behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO.nl therefore chose to provide these experts with information about bio-based and biodegradable plastics. These renewable materials can play a role in reducing CO2 emissions in a circular economy.


To inform the target group RVO.nl convened a number of workshops and developed/ commissioned various materials on the topic. Its most recent publication is a slideshow in Dutch, presenting many facts about sustainable packaging and bio-based plastics and discussing interesting ways of looking at and dealing with plastic waste.  It also informs about a Rabobank infographic that shows the many different ways that a tomato can go on a journey, and what different types of packaging can do to improve e.g. the shelf life


The RVO.nl slideshow is linked to a scientific report on the conditions under which bio-based and/or biodegradable plastics are compatible with the circular economy commissioned to CE Delft by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.


The RVO.nl slideshow also builds on the scientific overview report of Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Bio-based and biodegradable plastics – Facts and Figures. This overview report addresses typical questions that the retail sector and consumers may have related to bio-based and biodegradable plastics.  RVO.nl together with Holland Bioplastics developed a one-page infographic , The facts about bio-based plastics, that serves as a summary of the WFBR overview report.
